Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I got home just in time tonight to see the Eclipse. I didn't even know there was going to be one tonight till I get out of my car and see my neighbors standing outside with a telescope and some cameras. So I grabbed my camera and took a few shots. It was pretty cool to see. So if you missed it, here are some pics of the moon that I took tonight.


JRome said...

Thanks Tif! We had haze and dirty air covering my view from here. Wow. nice camera. What do you use?

Crystal said...

I didn't even know! Cool pictures!

Erin said...

Holy Crap but I just realized you and I have the same blog template...guess I wasn't being as original as I thought!!

Great pictures! We couldn't see it down here in Texas because it was raining...AGAIN!

Amy said...

Cool pics Tif. I think I might have convinced Kevin to buy me the Canon Rebel xti for my birthday but we will see.

Monique said...

We actually got to see this that night! Way cool. Congrats on being Prego. woo hoo! If you get really sick, please call and I can tend Arlie for you.